Description | Fee |
Shine is a highly personalised, comprehensive and integrated Body - Mind - Soul Extensive Consultation over a 3 day booking, and followed up by ongoing single sessions as reqiured. Shine looks extensively into the unique structure of each individual's illness/condition physically, emotionallly and spritiually, with a view to assisting/supporting unravelling and resolving dis-at ease. Shine is based and rooted from the trainings and studies of clinical ecology, neuro-linguistics, nutritional & orthomolecular science, emotional therapies (nlp,hypnotherapy,life-coaching), energetic & vibrational medicine as well as the biology and science of the human being, and coupled with intuitive energetic assistance and integrated with the studies of quantum physics and the universal laws of attraction. Shine is based upon the principles of the 3 brains - the head - gut pancreas/adrenal body - heart! Energetic realignment and past life clearance with Kazy is optional.
Each shine consultation will be bespoke and uniquely pitched to the individual, as appropriate so attention to the necessary is not lost to any area not applicable.
Shine requires the individual to be committed, honest and open to engage fully with the practitioner. Shine aims to assist the individual on his/her journey, at the pace and over the time required by the client. Shine does not assume or claim responsibility for the health of any individual and cannot gaurantee results. It is a personal decision to seek out the trainings and assistance of the practitoner for which the client wholly takes responsibility.
Please call for details 01297 35317
Cancellations of Appointments - 48 hours notice or less will charged at the full appointment rate.
Consultation Phone/Email or Texts In-Between Appointments charged to the nearest half-hourly rate- this excludes new enquiries and pre-arranged LP follow-up support.
Some useful resources listed below: