Life Coaching


Offering Highly Bespoke Individually Tailored Health & Easy Life –Enhancement Services, For You Are As Unique & More Complex Than a Fingerprint!?

Kazy Vincent-Janes is an advanced practitioner, international tutor and examiner, trained in the advantageous and unique combination of using just one or all 3 integrated modalities of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Life-Coaching for exceptional and highly individually tailored approach.


 When referring to getting coached by a professional coach, is a teaching, training or development process in which an individual gets support while learning to achieve a specific personal or professional result or goal. The individual receiving coaching may be referred to as the client or coachee, or they may be in an intern or apprenticeship relationship with the person coaching them. Occasionally the term coaching may be applied to an informal relationship between one individual who has greater experience and expertise than another and offers advice and guidance as the other goes through a learning process. This form of coaching is similar to mentoring.Working with the person (at all times in client-led sessions,) with their shared information and the skills of the trained therapist; the therapist is able to suggest ideas, concepts and lifestyle adaptations and ellicit potential new positive, easier and enabling ways to feel more comfortable and achieve resolutions.

Walk n Talk Coaching Sessions 

Getting out in nature is a great place to get still and really hear one's deepest messages, to create a space to talk about the problem and find the resolution - for both exist within! Why not take a guided walk along the Jurrasic coast for a walk n talk session with me, get out in nature and really feel and workthrough nature and movement.


The structures, models and methodologies of coaching are numerous, and may be designed to facilitate thinking or learning new behavior for personal growth or professional advancement. There are also forms of coaching that help the coachee improve a physical skill, like in a sport or performing art form. Some coaches use a style in which they ask questions and offer opportunities that will challenge the coachee to find answers from within him/herself. This facilitates the learner to discover answers and new ways of being based on their values, preferences and unique perspective.


When coaching is aimed at facilitating psychological or emotional growth it should be differentiated from therapeutic and counseling disciplines, since clients of coaching, in most cases, are considered healthy (i.e. not sick). The purpose of the coaching is to help them move forward in whatever way they want to move, not to 'cure' them. 

Important Notice 

By entering your email address and any content of information contained in sending an email, or entering any commuincation through this site: as well as clicking on any of the links, third party or  otherwise on this site, you are agreeing to disclose your personal information to us and those parties who may pick up your I.P address. Please see Terms and Privacy at the bottom of this page ( Thus to reduce risks under the new Data Protection Regulations 25/05/18 please make, when possible, enquiries/appointments by telephone please : 01297 35317. Disclaimer: Please note that the information shared here is for personal reference only and is not intended to take the place of sound medical advice from a qualified practitioner. It is your responsibility to seek appropriate medical guidance for any health conditions you have. Unlimited accepts no responsibility for your health choices under any circumstances.


Description Fee
Initial consultation 2 hours £192.00
Further consultations per hour £96.00

Cancellations of Appointments - 48 hours notice or less will charged at the full appointment rate.

Consultation Phone/Email or Texts In-Between Appointments at the nearest half-hourly rate - this excludes new enquiries and pre-arranged LP follow-up support.

Important Notice: services do not guarantee results and no attempt to diagnose, treat to cure is ever intended or given. The information on this site is not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult your medical physician.